
John Kerry made his first trip to an Arab capital as secretary of state on Saturday, hoping

to prod Egyptian politicians to show a measure of political peace and a commitment to economic change.

This week, the White House released a list of the 2013 summer interns. The list of 147 college and graduate students is full of bright young things -- dozens from Ivy League schools -- and (surprise, surprise) several with connections to the administration.

Read full article >> The White House said on Thursday that U.S.

intelligence agencies now assess, with “varying degrees of confidence,” that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons.

A group run by the charity Kids offers members a safe and secure atmosphere to ask questionsThink back to when you were a teenager.

You probably gleaned the facts of life from a giggling friend or a hastily passed around piece of paper, or if you were born after Madonna released Like A Virgin, from the internet. Teenage sex is a minefield at the best of times, but what happens if you don't have a regular network of giggling peers or limited or no access to the internet?It's a freezing cold night a couple of days after Valentine's Day in Stockport and the Greater Manchester Kids relationship and sexuality group is talking about sex. There are no

euphemisms or skirting around the subject here. The kids are getting the facts straight with no embellishments. "Does everyone know what sex is?" asks Tracy Ryan, Kids' senior youth work practitioner and group leader.

The range of responses is varied and revealing; "Sometimes gay and lesbian,"

says one young man, "Boy puts his penis in a vagina?" says another, "Have a baby?" offers one young woman.Six young people in the group have disabilities.

They all have a different understanding or interpretation of what sexual relations are. What they do have in common is that their way of finding out more is restricted. Ryan explains, "Young disabled people are often viewed by society as asexual. This is compounded by the fact that, with reduced opportunity for social interaction, young disabled people often do not learn about relationships and sexuality from their peers as other young people do."The group, which has a maximum capacity of 15 and is open to anyone from 13 to 25, meets once every three weeks. It has been in existence since November 2011.

The charity also runs groups in South Gloucestershire, Bristol and Bath and North East Somerset."We

don't ask about disability," says Ryan, "we ask what they need."Young

people attend for as long as they need to and, where necessary, one-to-one work is done outside the group. Occasionally, where necessary, outside experts are invited in; a representative from Brook, the young people's sexual health charity, came to talk recently. The young people are sometimes referred by professionals or Ryan is approached by the individuals' parents or carers.The sessions, it must be made clear, are not just about birds and the bees. Much of

the focus is on relationships, especially the young people's relationships with themselves.A piece of paper is handed around by Clare, the student volunteer-turned paid worker who assists.

On it, the group members are asked to describe themselves and their perfect partners. They are also asked to draw a picture of themselves alongside a picture representing their dreams. A common theme among the dreams is "a boyfriend/girlfriend, a wedding, a baby".

One young woman already has a boyfriend and she's brought along her Valentine's card to show everyone.It's

really crucial to spend this time on the relationships side of things, says Ryan: "It's about recognising when and how to talk to someone you don't know, how to initiate a conversation with someone you are attracted to and understanding the unspoken rules around social interaction, both within and outside of a relationship."A

lot of work, she says, is done on appropriate touch and consent and, later in the session,

she shows a pair of fairly graphic cartoons of two people having sex. In the first picture, both parties are naked and both seem to be having a whale of a time; in the second, both parties are semi-clothed and the female partner has her arm pinned down and is pulling a pained expression.

"Is she happy about having sex, do you think?" asks Ryan. "Why would you need to grab someone's arm if you're having sex with them?"There follows a brief discussion about saying no and ensuring that everyone is happy before doing the

deed, as well as a chat about contraception and responsibility. Everything that is discussed in the group stays in the group, and information is only divulged to parents or carers with a young person's permission. Previous coupled group members have approached Ryan

for contraception advice as it's a neutral place to discuss what can sometimes be difficult issues to raise with a carer.Access
to the group,

says Ryan, doesn't just increase knowledge, "it increases confidence, independence and reduces trade miner review means that young disabled people have a safe and secure atmosphere where they feel confident about asking their questions."Young peopleDisabilitySexual healthHealthSex educationHazel Davisguardian.co.uk
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to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds The settlement covers some owners in the United States who leased or bought 2002-6 A4

or A6 models with continuously variable transmissions.

When time's short, the weather's lousy or the gym's not a remote possibility, fitness DVDs can be a godsend. Here are a few of

my favorites, moving from beginner to advanced: A Russian Soyuz

capsule landed in the steppes of Kazakhstan, bringing home an American and two Russian astronauts from the International Space Station.

Police in Jamaica are investigating the killing of a police constable in a high-crime area in the southern part of the Caribbean island.

Tiny calcium deposits can be a telltale sign of breast cancer. However, in the majority of cases these microcalcifications signal a benign condition.

A new diagnostic procedure developed at MIT and Case

Western Reserve University (CWRU) could help doctors more accurately distinguish

between cancerous and noncancerous cases.When

microcalcifications are spotted through mammography, doctors perform a follow-up biopsy to remove the suspicious tissue and test it for cancer.

In 15 to 25 percent of cases, however, they are unable to retrieve the tissue that contains the calcium deposits, leading to an inconclusive diagnosis.

The patient then has to undergo a much more invasive surgical procedure.The

new method, which uses

a special type of spectroscopy to locate microcalcifications during the biopsy, could dramatically reduce the rate of inconclusive diagnosis, according to the researchers.

In a study appearing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences the week of Dec.

24, they found that the spectroscopy technique had a success rate of 97 percent. In addition, the spectroscopic approach could easily be integrated into the current biopsy procedure, says Ishan Barman, an MIT postdoc and one of the paper’s lead authors. MIT postdocs Jaqueline Soares and Narahara Chari Dingari are also lead authors; senior authors are Maryann Fitzmaurice, senior research associate and adjunct associate professor of pathology and oncology at CWRU, and Ramachandra Rao Dasari, associate director of MIT’s Laser Biomedical Research Center (LBRC).‘An arduous procedure’Microcalcifications form when calcium from the bloodstream

is deposited onto degraded proteins and lipids left behind by injured and dying cells. Though often seen in breast tumors, microcalcifications are rarely found in other types of cancer, Fitzmaurice says. Calcification also plays a major role in the hardening of the arteries seen in atherosclerosis.

Among women with microcalcifications spotted during a mammogram, only about 10 percent will turn out to have cancer, so the follow-up biopsy is critical.
During that procedure,

the radiologist first takes X-rays from three different angles to locate the microcalcifications, then inserts a needle into the tissue and removes five to 10 samples.A
pathologist then examines the tissues to see if they contain microcalcifications.

If not, the radiologist tries again, after taking new X-rays. However, this second

attempt is rarely successful, Fitzmaurice says. “If they don't get them on the first pass, they usually don't get them at all,” she says. “It can become a very long and arduous procedure for the patient, with a lot of extra X-ray exposure, and in the end they still don't get what they’re after, in one out of

five patients.”For the past several years, the MIT and CWRU team has been working to develop a spectroscopic technique that can analyze the tissue that the radiologist is about

to biopsy â€" revealing, in a matter of seconds, whether that tissue actually contains microcalcifications.

They began with Raman spectroscopy, which uses light to measure energy shifts in molecular vibrations, revealing precise molecular structures. Because it offers such detailed information about the chemical composition of a tissue, Raman spectroscopy is very accurate in identifying microcalcifications. However, the equipment required is expensive, and the analysis takes a long time.In the new study, the researchers showed that another technique, known as diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, gives results just as accurate as Raman spectroscopy. What makes diffuse reflectance spectroscopy more appealing is that it provides information within seconds, allowing the radiologist to move the needle if it’s in the wrong spot, before taking any samples. “With our new method, we could obtain similar results with less time and less expense,” Dingari says.Distinctive

patternsDiffuse reflectance spectroscopy works by sending light toward the tissue, then capturing and analyzing the light after its interaction with the sample.

In this study, the researchers examined 203 tissue samples from 23 patients, within minutes of those samples’ removal.Â

Each of the three types of tissue (healthy, lesions without microcalcifications, and lesions with microcalcifications) has subtle differences in its spectrographic signature, which can be used to distinguish among them. By analyzing these patterns, the researchers created a computer algorithm that can identify the tissues with a success ex girlfriend guru review 97 percent.The changes in tissues’ light absorption are likely caused by altered levels of specific proteins (elastin, desmosine and isodesmosine) that are often cross-linked with calcium deposits in diseased tissue, Soares says.For clinical use, a radiologist would perform spectroscopy just after inserting the needle to provide enhanced real-time guidance to the current biopsy procedure. The researchers are now planning for a study in which they will test their needle and spectroscopy setup in patients as the biopsies are being done. James Tunnell, an associate professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Texas, says the findings represent a

good first step toward creating a system that could have a big impact on breast cancer diagnosis. “This technology can be integrated into the system that is already used to take biopsies. It’s a very simple technology that can get the same amount of accuracy as more complicated systems” such as Raman spectroscopy, says Tunnell, who was not involved in the study.The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering and the National Cancer Institute. The trip by Christopher Nixon Cox, 100 years after President Richard M. Nixon’s birth, was organized to lionize both the president’s and the Communist Party’s accomplishments. Today's Microsoft reorganization marks another huge win for Julie Larson-Green, the 20-year company

veteran whose pluck and team spirit helped her rise from rejected applicant to steward of Microsoft's core mission. Opposition plans large-scale demonstrations on Sunday, with some hoping army may step in to facilitate transition of powerEgypt is holding its breath for mass demonstrations to mark the first anniversary of

President Mohamed Morsi's election on Sunday, amid speculation the army might intervene in the event of large-scale civil unrest.Opposition

activists claim an unverifiable 15 million Egyptians have signed a petition demanding Morsi's removal, and expect a significant proportion of

that number to take to the streets on 30 June. There have already been outbreaks of fighting in two cities, where Morsi's still-sizeable support base has launched counter-protests. As a result, many opposition actors hope the army, who deployed armoured vehicles on Cairo's streets on Wednesday, will be forced to intervene and facilitate a transition of power.A senior military source told the Guardian on Thursday that the army did not want to intervene. But they stated that if Sunday's protests were as widespread and prolonged as those that drove Egypt's 2011 uprising, and if serious fighting broke out between Morsi's supporters and his opponents, then the army may

regard the protests as a more legitimate representation of the people's will than the elections that brought Morsi to office a year ago â€" and would step in to facilitate a transition of power to a technocratic caretaker government.The

eventual scale of the protests nevertheless remains uncertain, and could yet prove highly exaggerated. But some of Morsi's opponents are convinced 30 June will be as pivotal as the 2011 uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak."It's a second revolution," claimed Ahmed Said, a leader of the National Salvation Front (NSF), the secular opposition's largest coalition.

"The semi-final was played on 25 January 2011.

This is the final.

I don't know how long it will take, but Morsi's going to go â€" and Egypt will never be the same after the 30th."But

protesters may have underestimated the size of Morsi's support, as

well as the lethargy of Egypt's silent majority â€" many of whom may have been won over by Morsi's earthy speech to the nation on Wednesday night.

Though recent polls suggested his popularity had halved since last autumn, his core following remains strong, and can mobilise just as easily

as his opponents.

At least 100,000 Islamists gathered in east Cairo last Friday to recognise Morsi's democratic legitimacy â€" and will do so again this week. They suggest his critics put their energy into campaigning for parliamentary elections, which are expected to be held in the next six months."Democracy all over the world works in the same way,"

said one of them, Sabry Roushdy, a teacher from Kafr-el-Sheikh, northern Egypt. "You come by the ballot box, and you go by the ballot box. It's not right that a section of society should bring him down just because they don't think he is good for the country."Morsi himself refused to consider standing down during his two-and-a-half-hour speech on Wednesday.

He apologised for some of his mistakes, and offered to let opponents help amend parts of Egypt's divisive new constitution.

But in the main he focused on shoring up his own support â€" and blamed attempts to unseat him on "enemies of Egypt" bent on undermining democracy.With all

factions unwilling to make compromises acceptable to their opponents, neutral observers fear a violent outcome. "Egyptians are living in their own bubbles," said Nathan Brown, a professor of Middle Eastern politics at George Washington University.

"The number of actors who think they speak for the entire Egyptian people is a little bit troubling. The presidency thinks natural vitiligo treatment been elected by the entire Egyptian people.

The army think they are one hand with the people.

The opposition think they are the entire society."Brown

said that "in almost any other country", such profound polarisation might lead to civil war.

He ruled out such an outcome

in Egypt, where the various factions have no organised militias, but nevertheless anticipated some kind of breakdown in political and civil order.Clashes have already broken out between Islamists and their opponents in some northern cities, with two killed and more than 200 injured in Mansoura and Tanta. Many Egyptians expect even worse on Sunday, and have resorted to panic-buying food and petrol, leading to snaking queues at most gas stations, sparse shelves at many shops â€" and a shortage of cash at some banks.In

a sign of international concern at developments, the US ambassador to Egypt, Anne Patterson, spent much of last week trying to convince opposition leaders to rein in their demands.Some want early presidential elections to end the impasse â€" but others demand Morsi's immediate departure.

They want the army to help replace him with a neutral, technocratic cabinet who would oversee the re-writing of Egypt's new constitution

before organising new polls.It was the creation of the Islamist-slanted constitution last November that first sowed the seeds of major dissent.

For his opponents, Morsi's unilateral decision to fast-track its completion â€" despite major secular objections â€" was the act of a dictator. It showed that while he may have been elected democratically, he is unconcerned about the wider democratic values on which successful democracy depends.

For some, it also indicated Morsi was unwilling to build the political consensus that many of those who tentatively voted for him expected him to seek."Yes,

the opposition must share their portion of the blame," said Yasser el-Shimy, Egypt analyst for the Crisis Group.

"But President Morsi should have done more to reach out.

The most detrimental act of Morsi's tenure so far has been that he has not assiduously built consensus and reconciliation as much as he should have."Morsi's decision to award key government positions to his allies rather than his opponents has angered the latter camp, while he has been blamed for the repression of dozens of journalists and activists such as Bassem Youssef and Alaa Abdel Fattah.

Rights campaigners also lament his failure to reform the police, whose brutality helped spark the 2011 uprising, and continues unabated. Most notably, following the deaths of more than 40 protesters in Port Said during gun battles with the police in January, Morsi chose to praise police actions, rather than investigate them. "For me, that was pretty much the end," said Heba Morayef, Egypt director for Human Rights Watch. "Those last shreds of optimism that I had were lost finally and conclusively in January, with his response to the Port Said crisis."Morsi's

allies maintain that his attempts to reform Egypt have been hampered by Mubarak-era holdovers.

But that is scant consolation for Egypt's poorest, many of whom blame his government's incompetence for a marked fall in living standards. Egypt's economy is on the brink, leading to ballooning food prices, and widespread fuel shortages.

"He's ruining the country," said Yasser Abdel Samir, a Mansoura resident who had spent hours queuing for petrol. "Look at this petrol queue. That's because of him. There's no water. There's no electricity. Salaries are low. Food prices are high.

He's going down on the 30th."But such an outcome is unlikely without the intervention of the military.

Analysts emphasise that the army has little desire to involve itself after its mixed attempt at interim government following the fall of Mubarak. "The military will only intervene as a last measure â€" to prevent the collapse of the state itself," said Shimy.

"They know that they will be trying to catch a falling knife if they try to take over."Shadi

Hamid, director of research at the Brookings Doha Center, argued that Morsi and his political opponents might yet agree to a compromise before such an intervention was necessary."I think you'll see very large protests, clashes here and there, and a certain amount of deaths around the country," said Hamid. "But the fundamental balance of power will remain.

Morsi will stay, and we'll have an effective stalemate. Perhaps the reality of that stalemate, when it dawns on people that Morsi hasn't left power, will force both sides to finally get serious about sitting down and making concessions."But for now Egypt remains dangerously split, with many past the point of assigning any legitimacy to their opponents' points of view. "Are you Brotherhood," asked one opposition activist of passersby in Mansoura this week, "or are you Egyptian?"EgyptMohamed MorsiArab and Middle East unrestMiddle East and North AfricaAfricaPatrick Kingsleyguardian.co.uk

© 2013 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds The Army has clarified the exceptions to its general freeze on civilian clickbank pirate addressing policies including the movement of current employees within the agency.

A memo dated Feb. 27 follows earlier guidance allowing for only limited exceptions. Those mainly apply to filling vacancies deemed critical to the agency's mission and hiring persons with job-placement rights, such as those returning from an injury or overseas areas of military operations. Read full article

>> There is little mention of her interest in architecture, a field Sablone pursued as an undergraduate at Barnard College. “I was trying to find something that satisfied my dual interests in the arts and sciences,” she says, “and there was nothing else, to me, that seemed a better fit.” Sablone’s undergraduate studies of architecture reinforced her belief that it was a good fit. “There are so many things within the broader umbrella of architecture, and I was excited by the possibilities,” she says.

Data-driven designSablone is particularly interested in exploring computation and fabrication methods

within architecture.

“By changing what’s possible, technology starts to impact the way you approach design,” Sablone says. “It

helps you become less attached to a first idea. A design starts with something you imagine but then you test your idea,

change it, test some more â€" and your project becomes much richer in the process.” Sablone is also interested in the design of objects that are far smaller than buildings.

This past semester, she says, she got “relief from building-scale projects” in 4.110J (Design Across Scales). “I’m drawn to smaller-scale objects and projects,” Sablone says.

In this particular class, one assignment asked students “to make something that helped make something else” â€" piquing Sablone’s interest and allowing her to combine her interests in skateboarding and design. For this project, Sablone designed a

skateboard with a removable iPhone embedded in it.But

her design provides more than just a convenient place to store an electronic device.

“An iPhone has apps that collect accelerometer data, so this skateboard uses that data to produce imagery that describes physical performance” Sablone says.
Used in conjunction with data-visualization software, the data collected during a routine allows skateboarders to observe the patterns and individual character of their technique, and learn from others as well. “I love being able to see the data and take something away from it â€" I think that’s beautiful,” Sablone says. Ultimately, Sablone says that she “feels more like a designer than she does a skateboarder” â€" even though the two interests constantly inform each other. “Skateboarding has definitely helped me see my environment in unique and creative ways,” she adds, “I am more attuned to different angles, textures and surfaces thanks to skateboarding.” To prove just how scientifically children approach their work, researchers gave a group of them a toy that lights up and plays

music when the child places certain beads on. When children didn't know which beads would activate the toy -- what scientists call "ambiguous evidence" -- they tested each variable in turn. Sales of the song, a favorite at Boston Red Sox games, have surged in the last week.

Lawyers say officers will exercise right not to answer questions to avoid incriminating themselves in criminal proceedingsPolice officers on duty at Sheffield Wednesday's Hillsborough football ground when 96 Liverpool supporters died in 1989 will refuse to give evidence to the new inquest into the disaster, their barristers have said at a pre-inquest hearing.Lawyers

for the three most

senior surviving officers in command that day, and the Police Federation representing lower-ranked officers, said the inquest should be delayed for years until any possible criminal proceedings have been concluded.

If held before that, said Paul Greaney QC, for the Police Federation, officers under investigation for possible criminal misconduct would exercise their right not to answer questions, to avoid the risk of incriminating themselves."Many of those witnesses will be under investigation for possible offences, including homicide, and there is potential for them to be prosecuted," he said to the coroner, Lord Justice Goldring. "It is likely there will be an increased incidence of witnesses refusing to give evidence by invoking the privilege against self-incrimination."From

the rows of bereaved Hillsborough family members in the large courtroom on High Holborn in London, there were audible gasps, and one said, quite loudly: "Outrageous."John

Beggs QC, representing Chief Superintendent David Duckenfield, who was in command at Hillsborough, and the senior officers inside and outside the ground, Superintendents Roger Greenwood and Roger Marshall, supported Greaney's call for the inquest to be delayed.Goldring refused, however, and ruled that the new inquest should start in early 2014. He said that waiting for the criminal investigation, which was being led by former Durham chief constable Jon Stoddart, and then any prosecutions and appeals, could amount to a six-year delay.In his opening remarks, Goldring expressed sympathy for the families' anguish and grief, and emphasised the need for the inquest to be held quickly, given that 24 years have already elapsed since the disaster.

The original inquest with its verdict of accidental death google sniper 2 in December after a long campaign against it by the families of the

victims."I bear in mind that over that course of time some of the bereaved have died, most recently, of course, Anne Williams," Goldring said.

Williams, 62, who lost her 15-year-old son Kevin at Hillsborough, died last week. "Her death is a powerful reminder, if one were needed, that there is an urgency attaching to the commencement of the inquest hearings."Michael Mansfield QC, representing some of the families of the victims, pressed Goldring to appoint his own staff to handle the evidence for the inquest, saying the families had no faith in the Independent Police Complaints Commission, which is gathering the evidence on police conduct during and after the disaster, and with whom Stoddart is working closely.

Goldring said he

would consider that request.Goldring

will decide next week the location for the new inquest, after the family groups disagreed about where they would prefer.

Mansfield, representing the largest group, 71 families who are HFSG members, said their overwhelming majority view was for the inquest to be held in London. The principal reason, he said, was that London would be perceived as neutral in the bitterly contested history of Hillsborough, and there would be no possibility of "actual or perceived bias".However Pete Weatherby QC, representing 20 families, and lawyers for two other families, argued London was too far for mostly Liverpool-based family members to attend in full, and somewhere neutral in the north, such as Preston, should host it.Hillsborough disasterLiverpoolPoliceDavid Connguardian.co.uk © 2013 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved.

| Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds Statement posted on jihadist website says attacks were 'first phase' as Iraqi wing of al-Qaida regains strengthAl-Qaida has claimed responsibility for a wave of bombings and

suicide attacks that killed about 60 people on the 10th anniversary of the US-led invasion that ousted Saddam Hussein.Islamic

State of Iraq, the country's al-Qaida wing, is regaining strength and has carried out dozens of high-profile attacks since the start of the year.On
Tuesday car bombs, roadside explosions and suicide attacks hit mainly Shia districts and security forces in Baghdad and other cities."What

has reached you on Tuesday is just the first drop of rain, and a first phase, for by God's will, after this we will have our revenge," said an al-Qaida statement posted on a jihadist website

late on Tuesday.Sunni Islamists see Iraq's Shia-led government as oppressors of the country's Sunni minority and target Shias to try to provoke a sectarian confrontation like the inter-communal slaughter that killed thousands in 2006-7.Since

January suicide bombers have struck at a rate of nearly twice a week, the worst for several years.Iraq's

sectarian and political rivalries are still raw and its power-sharing government â€" split among Shia, Sunni and Kurdish factions â€" has been all but paralysed by disputes for more than a year.The conflict in nearby Syria is stirring up Iraq's volatile mix, exposing the country to the rivalry between Turkey, which backs Sunni rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad, and Iran, which sponsors him.Iraqal-QaidaMiddle East and North Africaguardian.co.uk © 2013 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our

Terms & Conditions | More Feeds The Boston Bruins were in a state of disbelief after giving up two late goals to concede the Stanley Cup to the Chicago Blackhawks on Monday. Angel Rodriguez had 21 points and 10 assists and Shane Southwell and Martavious Irving both added 15 points as No. 9 Kansas State beat TCU 79-68 on Tuesday night. The wonderfully relaxed farmer Stephen Hook puts a human, articulate face on the vexing subject of food productionAs an advert for steering clear of supermarket milk, this is hard to beat.

Stephen Hook â€" a wonderfully relaxed on-camera presence â€" makes for a charismatic master of ceremonies; he's a dairy farmer with a homemade retail operation selling "raw" milk who has managed to make his family farm pay, just about. Hook may be the fantasy-farmer of townies' fantasies â€" ruminative, canny, genial and wistfully affectionate to his animals â€" but he puts a human, articulate face on the vexed, and vexing, subject of food production. A low-key pleasure.Rating: 3/5DocumentaryAndrew Pulverguardian.co.uk

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All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds Ms. Moore-Richard was a member of the American Indian Movement during its militant actions

of the 1970s and, under the name Mary Crow Dog, later wrote a well-received memoir, “Lakota Woman.” Coca-Cola India is working with Dhingana, a music streaming service, to promote songs from its “Crazy for Happiness” advertising campaign. Egemen Korkmaz's second-half header earned Fenerbahce a 1-0 win in the first leg of their Europa League semi-final against Benfica and eased the tears of team mate Cristian on

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