
Hey everyone, I hope you are all having an enjoyable week

When I discovered the tenets of Voluntary Simplicity over twenty years ago, I was pleased to find out that I wasn’t alone. Thanks to the Internet, I found that there were others just like me who had had enough with conspicuous consumption and the normative value of things and who just wanted to live lives that were filled with a peaceful contentment brought about by intentional living.

Then in the early 2000’s I found out that there was a local Voluntary Simplicity group that met one day every month in the downtown area where I live – Montreal.

Having found the contact information of this group, I eagerly emailed the founder with a request to attend the next meeting. He soon replied back with a nice welcome email and a few days later, I was sitting in a local YMCA room filled with strangers.

Over the next few months I got to know those strangers a little, and while none of them ever made my Christmas card list, they never-the-less became monthly friends who I looked forward to chatting with in the group sessions.

It was a great feeling to be able to bounce ideas and opinions off of one another freely and while some of the discussions were “out there”, everybody could speak their mind with ease and no judging. It was indeed, free speech at its most defined core.

Alas, about five months after my introduction to the group, the meet-up was no more as there were apparently some “untoward issues” amongst certain members that I was not privy to. Thankfully, there was the internet and I kept up with the blogs and forums that I liked.

And now, well, since I started The Joy of Simple, I’ve made more friends who share a common purpose than I could ever have hoped for in real life

All that to say, if you would like to meet-up with over 200 like minded simplicity enthusiasts, and you live or are visiting the Minneapolis, Minnesota area between October 3 and 4, 2014, then head on over to the SimpleREV website to see what Joel Zaslofsky and Daniel Hayes have set up.

Here’s a sampling of what SimpleRev believes in:

The SimpleREV community rises up against complacency, narrowly defined success, and a sea of plastic. But we stand for so much more. We believe:

Simple living is for everyone.

It’s better to impress Mother Nature than each other.

Fulfillment increases dramatically as we simplify.

Worth isn’t measured by a bank account.

In filling up on gratitude, contentment, and the abundance around us.

In valuing what we have by seeking less.

In being motivated by outcome, not income.

In knowing what’s important and releasing what’s not.

In other words: Wake up. Come Home. Fill Up. Be Simple.

I like the message and think it’s a worthy event for those already established in simple living and/or for those looking to become more acquainted with the movement. And while the cost per ticket of $249.00 might be prohibitive for some, they do have a wonderful group of presenters and workshop leaders like Joshua Becker, David Delp and Mike Vardy, to name but a few, that makes the money spent well worth it.

If nothing else, it’s nice to get together with a bunch of folk who share the same mindset and have relatively the same priorities in life! It makes one feel less alone and “different”

If you do plan on attending this conference, let me know. It would be cool to hear your thoughts on why you want to attend and what you hope to get out of it.

As usual, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic so please keep the conversation going in the comments section below. It is greatly appreciated…as are you!!

Take care and all the best.


OH…and I’m now on Facebook if ya wanna be friends. You can friend me at https://www.facebook.com/lyle.robinson.528

Oh oh…can I ask one more favor please…I am trying to gain more “likes” for my The Joy of Simple Facebook page. if you wouldn’t mind, could ya pop over to https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Joy-Of-Simple/550286035018295?ref=hl and like my page pleeeeezzzzzzzeee! Thank you

Above photo courtesy of http://www.freedigitalphotos.net


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